#13 Innovative Business Case: Järvsö Resurs (SE)

  • Social enterprise providing suitable jobs for unemployed people
  • Repairing and reusing machines… and human resources
  • Services for the local community

Järvsö Resurs is a social enterprise in central Sweden that provides customised jobs and training to long-term unemployed people, with mental illnesses, with limited skills or to migrants who don’t master the language yet. Currently, the company employs 18 workers that would not otherwise have a job. 

The services offered by this social enterprise and its workers are caretaking, gardening, snow removal and similar. Often the local community offers machines and equipment that workers repair and reuse for their services. A long-term project is to expand the activities to agriculture and food production.

Järvsö Resurs’ emphasis is 100% on people and their local community. The business is managed by the people working in the business. All profits are reinvested in the company, by either expanding the equipment or employing more people. Everyone works to the best of their ability and the tasks are adapted to the competencies of the employees, who receive a fair salary. And all this to the benefit of the local community that enjoys these services!

Read more:

Järvsö Resurs webpage